Friday, January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009!!

I know a lot of people are thinking "What is my New Years resolution?". Well, I just figured out mine. I have decided on not worrying about how man sees me, but how God sees me. I don't want to be a person that is looked down upon. I want to be a person that can help lift others spirits like many people have done to me this last year. I have met a whole lot of people and only a few of them really stick out because of the kindness they have shown me. The one on the top of my list is a really good friend from Boise. He came down with my sister and a few of her friends this last summer to go on a trip to Lagoon. An amusement park in Salt Lake City, UT. My sister didnt really know him and of course neither did I. I just knew his name because I asked who was coming down. I didnt expect to stay friends with any of them but its just one of those things that just happen. I am really glad it did. The friends I made from just one summer has really helped me figure out who I am and has also helped me figure out my life. The other people I met on our trip to Lagoon have really cared about me also. I love it when people take time and ask me how my day is going. They are the type of people that do that and that is why I love going to Boise. I spent a lot of my summer up there. They have changes my life and I am ready for the challenges life brings me. I know no matter what I go through, I will always have friends and family to turn to for help. There has been a person who tried telling me I cant depend on my family the rest of my life. Well I got news for him...I will always depend of my family. They are the ones that help me. I guess I cant go to my friends and family for ANYTHING only because I have scared myself into what will happen if I start getting a little deep. I have built walls and I honestly dont think they will ever come down. They might start to come down, but I dont think they will fully come down. I love my family and friend and I am REALLY grateful for all their support and love that they have shown me. There has been A LOT of down hills for me this last year but there has also been some ups. I am ready for 2010 and the journey's it brings.GOODBYE '09! WELCOME 2010!!!

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