Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lessons learned?

It has been over a year since I have posted on this blog. I just haven't gotten into it. Lately, I have been experiencing things in my life I thought I already experienced, except this time it is ten times worse than the first time. I don't understand how people can handle so much stress. I have unloaded a lot of on my friends. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I do have my secret worries just like anyone else.

School is the main worry I have. I am taking thirteen credits this summer and I also have a job as a Teacher's Assistant here at school. But the job is nothing. All I do is sort papers, cut fabric, make copies, etc. I'm almost like a secretary. My interior design is probably my favorite class. I just got to mess with paint. I had to mix paints and come up with different colors. Now we moved on to the floor plans. I'm kinda nervous about that but I always have time to learn something new.

I had the worst week of my life last week. So many things were going wrong and I felt like my whole world was crashing down on my at once. I didn't have any room to breath. I was reading in a book called "True to the Faith" and I had read the happiness topic. I learned so many things in that five mins that I totally forgot about. I was searching for the wrong things to make me happy. I was looking for happiness from worldly things such as, money, food, entertainment, etc. I didn't think about turning to my Father in Heaven. I was too caught up in trying to fix everything I totally forgot I'm never alone. I needed to turn to Heavenly Father and not entertainment. After that one night of praying so hard I don't think I have felt any closer to my Father in Heaven. I still have so much stress on me but I know I am being looked after. I have friends and family that will be there for me if I ask them for help.

So are the lessons learned? I think so.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on blogging! It's the best. You are so great! Love you!
