I have delegated the balcony of my apartment complex my thinking/get away spot. I do so much thinking there. I don't know why I never thought of it is previous semesters.
There were so many good talks and lessons today at church. I have had so many question build up in my head. I don't think I have any of the answers.
Have you ever felt ugly while going through trials? Have you felt like the world stares at you when you have a hard trial in your life? Have you felt like the world is against you and there is no way to get back on the world's good side? When you made it through your trial how did you feel? Accomplished? Beautiful? The same?
When trials come they change us, they make us a better person. We can become stronger, more intelligent, happier. God does NOT make perfect people. What's the point in living if you already live a perfect life? Nobody is perfect. There may be times when nothing goes wrong and you think life is perfect but that never lasts. With me, when I have the best week, that usually means I have a hard week full of trials coming my way. There is no way around trying to avoid a bad day if you don't alter your attitude.
When you see someone you know do you take the time to say hi or just ignore them? Do you smile at strangers and ask how their day is going? You never know who's day you are going to make. If you have a bright smiling face, you might just help a person walking home or shopping, become happier. Being grumpy all the time is not fun and will only tear you down. Strive to be happier. Try to have a cheerful attitude when your day isn't the best. Try to remember the feeling you get when you are happy. Remember the friends you have. Remember the family you were raised in. Think of good positive things.
How many times do you have a prayer in your heart? Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel happy and confident? Do you ever just have a one-on-one with your Father in Heaven on the way to class, work, or even church? Do you ask Him questions you have had on your mind forever? Try having a prayer in your heart everyday. Try to remember who your Father in Heaven is. Try to remember He will always be with you and will never let you go. He is your father and YOU are his child. He hates to see you suffer, but knows you can handle what He throws your way. He wouldn't give you something you couldn't handle.
If you have questions and want the answer right away, try to remember it's not your time that's important. It's God's time that matters. It's in God's time that everything happens. God knows you better than you do. He knows what you need, when you need it better than you.
Remember you are God's child. Remember you are never alone. Remember Him.
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